Why Choose Us

Because we are a small, family-operated Property Management business, we are only accepting a limited number of clients in the Newport, Seal Rock, and Beverly Beach area. This allows us to focus on the quality of our service, and lets us make your vacation rental property our priority. We understand and strive to meet the unique needs of each home. Using continuous marketing efforts, our team will market your vacation home in a way that will enhance it’s individual appeal in the Newport market. From advertising to problem-solving for guests, we give the fastest response because we’re already in the neighborhood. Our property management services include, but are not limited to full-service cleaning, guest-relations, advertising, small repairs, full accounting, local contact for City of Newport and Lincoln County officials.

Our Property Management Team’s experience and dedication to protecting the homes and contents of the homes in our care, while giving the best guest experience possible, is what makes each of our homes a success.

Our client’s success is our success.


Call Julie at 541-272-7010 for a consultation today.